From November 2009 to September 2010 Tyler and Paula will be on a grand adventure. We have lent our house to another family who need a place to live while they are building a new house, and we have hit the road. New Zealand, Australia, Texas (!), Ireland, Scotland, England, and Japan are planned.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Valley of Fires lava flow, Carrizozo NM

Last week Tyler, Paula, and Paula's two sisters from San Antonio rented a cabin in Ruidoso, NM.  The weather was lovely- cool, clear, and crisp, warming into the low 60s during the day.  One day we drove over to Carrizozo, NM, to view the Valley of Fires Recreation Area.  It's a fascinating area of lava flow from about 5000 years ago, averaging 45 feet deep,  and up to 160 ft deep at its deepest.  It originated from a volcanic rift zone northwest of Carrizozo and flowed down a valley a few miles wide and 45 miles long.  The lava is black basalt, similar to what is found in Hawaii, but it results from a rift volcano - - ie, an upwelling of lava where the earth's crust is spreading or pulling apart, as it has been in NM in recent geological history.  In contrast, the Hawaiian volcanos is due to a local hot spot under the crust.

There is much beauty among the lava, including this one:

Here are some more pictures of the lava and its flora:

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About Us

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Midland, Michigan, United States
Tyler is a retired research scientist (PhD Chemistry, University of Illinois) who worked for The Dow Chemical Company. The last 16 years of his career he served as grants and contracts manager for Dow's External Technology program, involving Dow sponsored research grants to universities, government research contracts into Dow, and a variety of other industry/university/government research partnerships. Paula is a botanist with graduate work in plant taxonomy. She worked as a microbiology research assistant for four years while Tyler was in graduate school, then led a busy life raising 3 kids, gardening, and serving in a variety of church ministries and activities.