From November 2009 to September 2010 Tyler and Paula will be on a grand adventure. We have lent our house to another family who need a place to live while they are building a new house, and we have hit the road. New Zealand, Australia, Texas (!), Ireland, Scotland, England, and Japan are planned.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

First post on the road: Kansas

And now the adventure begins.  Tyler and Paula both left Midland on Tuesday, Oct 26 for separate destinations.  Paula is in Guatemala in the Mayan village of Santa Avelina to celebrate graduation day for young students from the school there, which has been the beneficiary of repeated church mission trips from Midland Reformed Church, in affiliation with HELPS International.  At the same time, Tyler flew to Kansas City to visit his 88-year-old father who lives in an assisted living home in Lansing, KS.  His father Bill is past president of the local Rotary Club chapter, and still enjoys attending the weekly meeting and lunch.  When Tyler is there, he goes too as Dad's guest.

The best joke heard at the Rotary meeting:
Two brooms met in a broom closet and decided to get married.  The groom broom looked handsome in his white tux, and the bride broom was lovely in her white wedding dress.  Right during the ceremony the bride broom whispered to the groom broom, "Honey, I'm going to have a little whisk broom!"  The groom broom, with a look of astonishment on his face, replied, "How can that be?  We haven't swept together!"

Tune in again for more travel adventures and colorful commentary.
Tyler and Paula

About Us

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Midland, Michigan, United States
Tyler is a retired research scientist (PhD Chemistry, University of Illinois) who worked for The Dow Chemical Company. The last 16 years of his career he served as grants and contracts manager for Dow's External Technology program, involving Dow sponsored research grants to universities, government research contracts into Dow, and a variety of other industry/university/government research partnerships. Paula is a botanist with graduate work in plant taxonomy. She worked as a microbiology research assistant for four years while Tyler was in graduate school, then led a busy life raising 3 kids, gardening, and serving in a variety of church ministries and activities.